Chillers and Thrillers

S3: Ep 3 First Responders

• Mariana Muniz • Season 3 • Episode 3

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Listen in as M reads true stories of first responders who encountered paranormal events in either their workplace or an event they were called to. From haunted jail cells, to ghostly 911 calls to kind hearted firefighter ghosts - this episode has a whole range of encounters. 

Story 1: "Cell #1 is empty" by Marco Castillo
Story 2: "The Fire Alarm" by grizzlytreats
Story 3: "911 Dispatch" by ren-dead-redemption
Story 4: "The Neon Eyes" by YourEDcaressa
Story 5: "Amherst" by anonymous
Story 6: "Tales from my dad" by heyimkrissy
Story 7: "The Camera View" by landy0034
Story 8: "The Patrol" by anonymous

Thank you for listening! 👻 This podcast is researched, written and produced by your host, M.

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Hello, and welcome back to chillers and thrillers. The paranormal podcast, where I retreat experiences of people's encounters with the strange and unexplained. In this episode, we're going to listen in to true stories of first responders. We encountered paranormal events in either their workplace or to a call. They responded to. From haunted jail cells to go see 9 1, 1 calls to kind hearted firefighters. This episode has a whole range of encounters. Considering the high energy, many times traumatic events. First responders are witness to. It's no wonder they encounter more than just the living. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts or if you have your own experience, feel free to share with me via Now. Get comfortable. Turned down the lights. In listening. So number one is empty. By Marco Castillo. I've seen a lot of things in my career, things that would make a citizen. Don't my sanity. From being dispatched to chase a UFO, to responding to calls of ghosts. But the most unusual thing that happened to me was witnessed by several officers in a dispatcher. One evening. I had brought in a guy for domestic violence. And see what's a bit rowdy. I was joined in booking by the Sergeant and another patrolman. I'm in the process of booking Mr. Tough guy. When I glanced at the cell, number one. There was a guy in there, short haircut glasses and a white t-shirt. Just staring at us. I ignored him because I didn't want him to start banging on the window, demanding a phone call or something. So I finished the booking process and escort Mr. Tough guy to sell. Walking past cell number one. The guy in the cell just stood there, never seeing a word or moving. We all didn't leave, booking and go about our business. Sometime later, the Sergeant asked me to check the paperwork for the prisoners. To see if there are any ready to transport to the county jail. I grabbed the paperwork and go into booking to do a head count. Cell number one. Is empty. I panic until the Sergeant who also panics and he and IB, and to make phone calls to the detectives to see if they had moved the guy. Or had released him. They all say they didn't go into booking. At all. I then check the computer and the paperwork again. And the head count was accurate. No one had been placed in cell number one. We go to the dispatch office to check the surveillance video for booking. We rewind the footage to where I can be seen booking my prisoner. We fast forward to the point in the video where we all walk up. As soon as we walk past the door, the guy in number one. Blinks out of existence. We were all freaked out by the occurrence. When we tried to transfer the video to a DVD. And USB drive the guy in the south. Did not appear. We still hear and see stuff every now and then, and prisoners in the detox tank can be seen talking to someone in the direction of cell number one, even though it appears empty. To this day, I'm wary of going into booking alone. The fire alarm. Submitted by user Grizzly Treats. I'm a police officer working the desk from 3 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Fire alarm signal goes off. Many years ago the police department offered alarm services. We still had about 10 to 12 places that were hardwire and it would require pulling apart a lot of equipment to disconnect the system so we just kept it going. The first shift dispatch is already punched in. So she took it. I'm headed out the door to the fire department. When 911 rings from the same address, I answer it, no one in the other line. Assume they barely got to call before passing out. I bolt out the back door, hop in a squad car and radio in the 911 call on channel three, that both police and fire can hear. And then I'm going directly to the house. I arrived just as another unit shows up, no signs of smoke. No sign of anything. An older woman comes walking up the street pushing a wheelchair with an elderly lady, her mother. They live there and just went out for an early evening stroll before dinner. We tell them what we have going on. Nobody else lives there and as far as the elderly lady can remember, the alarm was disconnected from the house years ago during some renovations. They don't have any alarm systems either, just a couple of smoke and fire detectors. We walk around the house, get to the back door off the kitchen and you can clearly smell gas. We turned off the gas at the main, set up some fans to air it out and find a cracked gas line moving to the oven. coffee she was making for their walk and had to move the oven a few inches to clean. And that probably broke the line pushing the oven back in. Nothing else in the house is disturbed and both phones are on the hook. The fire chief shows up about 15 minutes into the call. He goes over to the two ladies and gives them both a hug. He's nearly in tears. The elderly lady in the wheelchair, her husband was the fire chief 60 years ago for our department. The daughter, her husband had passed away a few years ago and he was also a member of our department. I never believed in ghosts or spirits, but that call made me think, maybe people who spend their lives doing good are allowed by some power to look over their loved ones every so often. 9 1 1 Dispatch Submitted by user RenDeadRedemption. I was a 9 1 1 dispatcher communications officer for a rural office. Normally, what happens when we get a call on 9 1 1 is our A& E alley would populate with a number and address. Though sometimes these weren't accurate or correct, especially if the caller used a cell phone, so we would always verify the address with the reporting party before sending out any units. Still, we could tell based on the first three numbers if it was a landline, which usually had the correct address. One night, I was working a graveyard shift and I was by myself. I got a 911 call, and oddly, it didn't populate a phone number at all. But it did populate an address into our CAD, Computer Aided Dispatch System. When I answered, 911, what's the address of your emergency, all I heard in the response at first was a strange garbled crackling and hissing sound, and what I can only describe as guttural noises. That didn't quite sound electronic, but also didn't quite sound human, either. It wasn't like the typical kind you hear from a bad connection. If I had to describe it, it almost sounded organic. I asked again, 9 1 1, what is your emergency? And after another moment of the crackling and hissing, I heard a faraway voice that sounded like a child saying, Hi. The voice sounded very young, like maybe three or four years old. I switched into a more comforting tone to try to find out what was wrong. After all, calls dealing with children can be very difficult to get correct information and location due to their age and the potential trauma they have witnessed. I tried to ask the child what was wrong, where they were at, if they knew what their phone number was, a name, anything. Most questions the kid replied with just childish noises, like they were thinking and trailed off or didn't respond at all. I was already getting ready to send out some units for a check at the address, while still trying to get information from the child and Mala was radioing out some officers. I heard the little voice on the line say to me, Don't send someone. I want to come see you. was where it started to get eerie. I didn't tell the child yet that I was sending police officers, as I had only just dispatched out a unit, not even two seconds before they said that. I told the kid stay on the line with me until the officer got to them. Especially important since there was no callback number, no call history from that address, and I had no idea what was going on, because the child wouldn't even tell me or even respond to my questions. I started giving the child some direction, telling them an officer would be there soon and that he would help the kid. The child said, I want to see you, and the line went dead. Normally, we would call back. I callback, but as it had picked up no number, this didn't even work. My officer got to the scene a few minutes later and radioed me to verify the address and the street, so I gave it again. He calls me on a cell phone and tells me that particular street was a private road that only had two homes, one that belonged to a rancher and one that belonged to a retired couple in their seventies. Neither had any children located within their homes or knew anyone local who had children. The address that populated on the line didn't even exist. Because it was a child, my officer and a few more did some patrol in the area and some surrounding areas, but found nothing. It was one of the strangest calls I've ever taken, and I still think about it today. I'm a strong believer in the paranormal, but having worked in law enforcement, I always approach it with a skeptical eye. There was just something unnatural about the whole call. Sounds I've never heard before on the line, and never heard in any situation since. If it was really paranormal or not, I can't say. It was just really weird. The neon eyes submitted by user your ed Caressa. Fresno county, November, 2015. Around 3:00 AM. Hi, a medic on an ALS unit was working my normal shift and was dispatched to a co three. Three cardiac arrest the call info only had that the patient was a 34 year old white male. And the sheriff PD was on scene. The location was in the more desolate foreign properties in the valley. No streetlights, just dark cold and engulfed in a dense fog during the winter. Rolling up. I see the patient in handcuffs sitting on his hands with two Sheriff's officers surrounding him. He had a small laceration and rope burn to his neck, but he was very much alive. When looking at him. His eyes had little of the white and we're black. He was quiet until I sat him on the ambulance gurney. The man was sobbing, trembling and screaming that he can't take it anymore. As I was putting on our leather restraints on his wrist. And all I could feel was cold. This is where it gets freaky. I have never seen anything like this. Or heard of an experience like to mine? On the way to the hospital, a few good miles down the road. We made a wrong turn and got a little lost and took a back road. The patient was quiet and trembling. He wasn't fighting the restraints. He almost seemed to feel safer in the back of the ambulance. I looked at the window and saw a house. My new every house, our acres, apart from one another. And the house looked like the others, it looked normal. But next to the house was a big tree and in a separate position was an old four door sedan that was parked. The car looked out of place and was clearly separated from the house and the tree. It was like its own place. It was odd and creepy. I can normally see in a cars cab where I was seated and see the headrest of the driver's seat from afar. But this car was pitch black on the inside. Almost if the darkness was coming out of the windows, because it was the deepest and darkest black I've ever seen on the inside. All I saw when I looked inside. Was the deep, dark black. And to neon dark blue eyes staring back at me. I immediately felt the back of the ambulance. Get cool during God goosebumps. At first, they thought it was a security, light and reflection in the car. But as we pass the house, the car turned on, pulled out and started following us in the ambulance. The neon blue eyes were still there and the cab was dark as dark can be. The car followed us miles to the highway. Still with the eyes staring in the deepest, darkest black in the cab. Even with the streetlights, I could not see into the car. I was almost mystified by this and forgot to put my patient in the ambulance and my partner. But I did not at all feel welcomed by those neon dark blue eyes. It was almost threatening and felt as if it wanted my patient. We were on the highway and this car still followed us almost 20 miles now. The neon dark eyes were still there. And even with the highway lights, I cannot see into the car. He got colder. I started to feel as if it noticed me watching. And was watching and focusing on me now, instead of focusing on my patient. The car then sped up and pulled up next to the ambulance in the next lane. While we were driving and looked at me. I was very, literally five feet from this car and cannot see into the cab from the window. All I could see where those dark neon, blue eyes and darkness. But it wasn't looking ahead. It was looking at me. And in that moment, I said out loud and challenging it. Go away. You are not touching this man. This man is my patient. If you want him, you'll have to come through me. I'm stronger than you and I will not let you have him. After I said that not even a moment later, the car, my ambulance has split off it was no longer cold in the ambulance. And my patient was no longer gray in the cheeks. He was starting to get color and returning to normal. It wasn't until after the call. And we got the patients at the hospital when I realized what just happened. I truly feel and felt that whatever the deep neon blue white thing was, was not human. And it wanted that man. I never believed the paranormal or demons or spirits or anything that wasn't hardcore science existed. Until I experienced this. I haven't had an encounter like that again, and I hope I never do. I do not know if that man is still alive or what his outcome was. But all I know is what I experienced and saw that night. Amherst submitted by anonymous. My brother's a deputy. And at the time I worked as an EMT for a few small towns in Northeast, Colorado. I frequently went on ride alongs with him while waiting for nine 11 calls to come in. This story took place in Amherst, Colorado. The town is very small. And hers has about 50 people, a church, some houses, a grain tower, and a park. It was about 3:00 AM and we were about to call it a night. As we were making our last check on Amherst. We noticed movement at the park. But couldn't really tell exactly what was going on because it was pitch black. We drove up and stopped alongside the dirt road. Flipped on the spotlight. And as we move the light around the park, it finally settled. On the back of a young girl. Maybe 13 years old. Sitting on a swing with her back facing us. We love the spotlight on her. And she wasn't moving. She just sat there. Facing away from us looking down at the ground. Needless to say it was a very creepy situation. You both looked at each other with that face you can make when something is Out of the ordinary. I quickly suggested that we should call her over using the PA system. And he agreed. As we looked back over. She was gone. I mean. No signs of anyone anywhere. The park was in a wide open area. She couldn't have gotten out of say In the amount of time that we had our exchange of words. I remember saying, should we get out and look for her? Maybe she hid behind the park toys or something. My brother just looked at me and said, hell no. And drove away. It's still creeps me out to this day. Tales from my dad. Submitted by user. Hey, I'm Chrissy. My dad's a cop as well as my cousin. And they've told me plenty of stories. I'll try to keep it brief. But there are quite a few stories to get through. Currently around 95% of all the cops in his precinct are convinced the police station is haunted. I think there's only one or two guys, both rookies who haven't seen anything for themselves yet. Anyway. All the cops described, seeing a shadow person with red eyes around the precinct. But the cell area is where they seem to get the most activity. So far he's described experiences where he was alone in the precinct and the cabinet doors will swing open. Things would get pushed up desks, empty chairs will suddenly start spinning around. Doors get slammed. Even scarier though, is the citing of the actual entity. It's been seen standing at the end of the hallway. Another time at the bottom of some stairs, it cop was about to walk down. But mostly, it seemed by criminals. They haven't been able to get the entity on video, but they have a lot of footage of people in their cells seeing something just off camera. And looking absolutely terrified. My dad says the criminals will often tell him. Let's please haunted man. And you always just shrugs and says, yeah, it is. At this point, none of the cops like to be in the precinct alone because that's when all the signings seem to happen. A close family friend has an experience there as well, which she told us all about. She was at home when she got a call from a strange number, comprised of entirely sixes. She sees the screen laid up and read. 6 66. 6 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. And she's horrified, but just watches it until it stops ringing. Literally five minutes later, she gets a call from her friend. Who's a cop and she says, let's smudge the police station. We have to do something about this thing. Which she agrees to. The phone call made sense to her now because she claims that once a spirit knows that someone is trying to drive it away. It tends to fight back harder. Using fear to keep people from coming near. She gets her smudge shell and Eagle feather ready. And they go to the police station that day. This much, the entire place. Feeling its presence the entire time. She said it felt angrier and angrier as they move throughout the precinct. Making more noises and even closing the door on them at one point. They saved the cells for last, knowing that they would be the most difficult place to cleanse, but they weren't entirely successful. They got into the cell area and immediately felt like it was much harder to breathe. The Sage kept trying to extinguish. So they had to blow on it more just to keep it alive. The lights went out. And the shell holding the stage cracked in half. That's when he got the heck out of there, hoping what they did was enough. Typically the science that you're dealing with a particularly strong entity is when the Sage wants to extinguish. And when the shell cracks in half. This being the more serious sign. When this happens. You have to hold the shell together until you get away from whatever you're trying to get rid of and then bury the shell and the earth. They did this, but it hasn't seemed to work. She realized later though, that they cleared the building wrong. They moved through the building in the sporadic fashion, going from outside in when you're actually supposed to move through the building in one clean sweep. Closing doors behind you, as you clear a room. Eventually ending at the entrance of the building since the goal is to drive it out. The precinct has also gotten a lot of calls to people's homes, describing paranormal experiences to them. Of course, everything stops when they arrive. But the stories are pretty wild. There was one time a lady had called three nights in a row. Each time complaining about the same thing. She said there was knocking outside each of her windows all at the same time. She assumed it was a group of teenagers playing pranks on her. When the cops would arrive, no one would be there. They do a quick scan of the woods in the areas around the house, but they never found so much as a footprint. On the third night, they arrive to the same situation. This time, the neighbor came walking over. Pale as a ghost in clearly terrified. He asked. Is this about the knocking? And they said, yeah. Did you see anything? He did see something and he told them the story. He said he'd come outside for a cigarette on his front porch. When you started hearing knocking He looked around to see where it was coming from. When he saw a black figure standing outside the window of the neighbor's house. And knocked on the window a few times before taking off and running in circles around the house. Too fast for any human knocking on every window and door. He said it did this around four times before running across the street and into the woods. It went behind a tree and then peeked out from behind. Looking directly at the neighbor with eyes that were yellow and reflective, like a cats. Then it's smiled at him. There were also multiple sightings of this thing around the reservation for awhile. I remember it being the talk of the town. The cops never saw it. And they would just get calls about it afterwards. Those are all the stories I've heard. We live in an Indian reservation though, and I feel like more paranormal stuff happens here than it does in other places. The camera view. Submitted by user Landy zeros. 0 3, 4. I'm a cop and this is a real call. I've been on patrol for several years and love stuff like this. I had a backup officer with me who witnessed everything. Dispatch sent me to a call in a mountain area late one night. They said the caller reported several people holding a baby above their heads and chanting while standing on her property. The call sounded ridiculous. And I smirked as dispatch gave the details. I arrived at the proper address after driving about 20 minutes along the mountain road. There's not much else up here. And it was extremely quiet. No one walks around out here and there aren't many cars driving the slate. And walked along, gated driveway, three light wind area. I found the callers home with two dim lights near the front door. The house was surrounded on three sides by heavy woods. I felt a little uneasy, just looking at the house. I knocked on the front door of the house while standing on a large patio. I heard something move to my left, which startled me because it was close. It sounded like a person. But something big. I look to the left and use my flashlight to light up the patio. And I didn't see anyone. I continued to knock. I could hear two voices inside the house. I clearly heard a male and a female. And this made me feel a little bit better. And I thought I heard someone on the patio, but it must've been someone inside. The female eventually opened the door. She was terrified, almost crying. She asked me to come inside and to close the door. She led me to the living room, where I saw a very cheap security monitor. Almost like a baby monitor camera setup with audio and video playing. The camera setup only provided live feed. The camera was positioned to be the front door and the patio area where I was just standing. The audio was silent as I watched the monitor for a few seconds. The woman began to explain when I interrupted and asked for the male was inside the house because I had heard his voice. She looked confused and said she was here alone. I was surprised because I know for a fact I heard a male's voice when I knocked. I asked her several times and initially thought she was lying to me. My partner checked the house and did not find anyone. The woman said she was reading while sitting on the couch. When she heard something over the security camera. She looked at the display and saw two people in the patio. Standing at the front door. She heard knocking at the door and called the police. I looked at the monitor and although it was low quality, I could see the patio in the front door area with decent clarity. As the woman continue to explain. The audio on the monitor went from quiet. To extremely loud. We all stopped talking. And the caller was shaking. I looked at the monitor, but didn't see anyone. The loud audio continued to blast from the speakers. The audio sounded like wind. But it was not windy that night. I asked the woman, what is that? And she said. It's then. I looked at my partner who was nervous. The woman gives me her cell phones stating she took pictures of the monitor, showing the two people on her patio. I looked through several low quality patrons and didn't see anything. I continue to scroll. And sure enough, I see what looks like two tall figures standing at the door. One of the figures is holding something. The figures looked strange. All dark and featureless in contrast to the video I saw on the monitor. I was in disbelief and I thought. Oh, my God. She's telling the truth. I continue to scroll. And so when figure holding something up over its head. Another picture showed the item at the base of the door with both figures standing near it. I tried to reason to explain what could have caused these images. But it was pretty apparent that there had been two subjects on her patio. We check outside walking the property to the treeline. I mentioned the movement on the patio and the males voices from inside the house. My partner asked me to stop talking about it. We finished checking returned to speak with the color. She says she'll be driving to town and staying at a hotel because she was too scared to spend the night. We walk along the driveway, back to our cars. My partner jumped into the patrol car and takes off. I laughed, but I felt really uneasy standing there in the dark. And then I left shortly after. The patrol. Submitted by anonymous. I was a patrol deputy in a small Texas panhandle town in the 1990s. One winter night after a good solid snowfall. I was down the alley behind the business district checking for open doors. When I saw a woman at the far end of the alley. About a block away. Standing in the middle of the alley. Looking at my direction. She's a white female long dark hair wearing a long black evening dress. But no coats, gloves or anything like that. It was after midnight and achingly cold. So I called out. MIS are you okay? She looked at me. Then turned and stepped into what I knew was a recessed area behind one of the stores. So I got back into the cruiser and drove down there, expecting to find the dock door open and the kids of the owners hanging out. The dark doors weren't open. None of the doors were open. And the only thing in that little recessed area. It was a black cat sitting on the gas meter. As I grabbed the flashlight and started looking around, figuring I was about to find an intoxicated girl passed out in a snow drift. The cat hopped off the meter, rubbed against my leg and wandered off down the alley. Then I realized that not only was there not anyone in the snow. My footprints were the only ones in the fresh snow. And when I say my tracks, we're the only ones in the snow. The cat didn't leap prince either. I got back into the cruiser and hightailed it back to the office, told the dispatcher about it. And she said, oh, her she's been showing up for about 20 years or so. No one has a clue who she is. Did you see the cat too? I hadn't said anything about the cat. And that's all for this episode. I hope you enjoyed these stories. And as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't forget to follow the chillers in thrillers, YouTube channel as well. And to share with your paranormally inclined friends and family. I hope you'll join me for the next episode of more true stories of people's encounters with the strange and unexplained. In the meantime, I hope all you goals and go stay safe. And I'll see you soon.

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